IndianOil Retired Officers Welfare Association

Aims and Objectives

Aims and Objectives

  • To assist in the welfare of the retired officers of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
  • To promote fellowship, foster a spirit of co-operation, unity, confidence and paternity among retirees through social, culture and other activities.
  • To promote and to safe guard and to advance the common interest.
  • To act as a liaison between the retirees and the administrators of the erstwhile organisation and other authorities.
  • To have close liaison with needy retirees by providing moral and financial support. 

New Directory as of 31/12/2022 under compilation


The contents in the IROWA Website are based on information received from IOC or downloaded from IOC’s e-Sambandh portal/IOCL website or received from Units/Chapters/members. In case of any doubt, please contact IOC office or login to IOCL website or e-Sambandh portal.

All efforts have been made by IROWA Apex Body – NR team for the accuracy of the information and to make this website, user friendly, informative and helpful.

IROWA Apex Body– NR team does not guarantee accuracy of the information displayed and are not responsible for any errors/omissions in any information.