IndianOil Retired Officers Welfare Association

Brief History

Brief History of Indian Oil Corporation

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd was formed in 1964 with the merger of Indian Oil Company Ltd (Established in 1959) and Indian Refineries Ltd (Established in 1958). Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL; d/b/a IndianOil) is a central public sector undertaking under the ownership of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural GasGovernment of India. It is headquartered in New Delhi and has its registered office in Mumbai. It is a public sector undertaking whose operations are overseen by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Indian Oil is ranked 142nd on the Fortune Global 500 list of the world’s biggest corporations as of 2022. It is the largest government owned oil refiner in the country. As of 31 March 2021, Indian Oil’s employee strength is 31,648, out of which 17,762 are executives and 13,876 non-executives, while 2,775 are women, comprising 8.77% of the total workforce.

Indian Oil’s business interests overlap the entire hydrocarbon value-chain, including refiningpipeline transportation, marketing of petroleum productsexploration and production of crude oilnatural gas and petrochemicals. Indian Oil has ventured into alternative energy and globalisation of downstream operations. It has subsidiaries in Sri Lanka (Lanka IOC), Mauritius (IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd) and the Middle East (IOC Middle East FZE).

Indian Oil accounts for nearly half of India’s petroleum products market share, 35% national refining capacity (together with its subsidiary Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd., or CPCL), and 71% downstream sector pipelines through capacity. The Indian Oil Group owns and operates 11 of India’s 23 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 80.7 million tonnes per year. Indian Oil’s cross-country pipeline network, for the transport of crude oil to refineries and finished products to high-demand centres, spans over 13,000 km. The company has a throughput capacity of 80.49 million tonnes per year for crude oil and petroleum products and 9.5 million cubic metres per day at standard conditions for gas. On 19th November 2017, IOCL, in collaboration with Ola, launched India’s first electric charging station at one of its petrol-diesel stations in Nagpur. Indian governments’ National Electric Mobility Mission Plan launched in 2013 aims at gradually ensuring a vehicle population of 6 to 8 million electric and hybrid vehicles in India by 2024.

Servo is the lubricants brand under which IOCL operates its lubricant business. Servo is the largest selling lubricant brand in both automotive and industrial segments.

Indian Oil’s equity shares are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India.

As of September 2018, it was owned 57% by the Government of India (through the President of India), and 43% by other entities. The latter included corporate bodies (20%), ONGC (14%), LIC (6%), Foreign portfolio investors, (6%) Oil India Limited (5%) and Indian Mutual funds (4%).

This was similar to its shareholding in 2017. As of 31 December 2017, the Promoters Government of India held approx. 56.98% of the shares in Indian Oil Corporation. The public held the rest of the shares 43.02%. This includes Mutual Fund Companies, Foreign Portfolio Investors, Financial Institutions/ Banks, Insurance Companies, Individual Shareholders and Trusts.


New Directory as of 31/12/2022 under compilation


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