IndianOil Retired Officers Welfare Association

General Secretary IROBF Message

General Secretary IROBF’s Message

In the year 1999 the idea of forming a Benevolent Fund originated bearing in mind the sufferings of some of our less fortunate colleagues who were in financial distress and how due to dedicated efforts of some founding members the entire process of registration were completed.

It is a fact that the improvement in IOC’s Welfare Schemes for retirees from time to time has mitigated the sufferings to some extent, it is also true that there are still a large number of retirees and their families who continue to need the financial assistance. Recent exorbitant increase in cost of living has made things worse. We have to, therefore, continue our efforts with renewed vigor to enroll more members and procure more donations so that we may be able to provide some meaningful help. All retired officers of IOC and their spouses are eligible for financial assistance irrespective of whether they are members of IROBF or not.

We need continued focus in our efforts to identify the needy retirees / spouses who are generally not in touch with other colleagues / families preoccupied by their own sufferings. We also need greater effort for enhancing the meagre corpus of IROBF for which cooperation of all is solicited.


     General Secretary, IROBF


New Directory as of 30/09/2024 under compilation


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