IndianOil Retired Officers Welfare Association



It has been noticed that in the event of the demise of retired officers, the spouses are facing difficulties in claiming the benefits for which they are eligible. Following benefits are available to the spouses of the deceased officers:

  1. Medical Reimbursement: The same is claimable either on self-certification basis or on the submission of the actual bill as per the mode opted by the officer or his spouse. Lump sum payment Rs. 15,000/- per annum is also available as per the medical policy.
  2. SABF : (Annuity from LIC) as per the option selected by the officer at the time of his / her retirement.
  3. Ex-Gratia : Ex-Gratia which is revised by IOC management w.e.f. 1st April of each financial year.

More details with regard to the above benefits are having been provided in the respective menus on this website. In the event of any doubt or difficulty by the spouses of the deceased employees or family members may

contact IOC nodal officers for clarifications, guidance/assistance through letter or email. The names and contact details of the nodal officers are given in IOC online portal eSambandth.      


SABF (Annuity payment from LIC)

Difficulties faced by Spouse/nominee in getting SABF (Annuity payment from LIC): In many cases Spouse or nominee of the deceased retired officer face difficulties due to discrepancy/anomaly in the names:

  1. The name of the deceased retired officer in the LIC record, Aadhar card and PAN card should be exactly same. Some members have written full name in one document and short name in other document. In some cases surname is mentioned in one document and not mentioned in other document.
  2. Similarly name of Spouse and nominee(s) in all three documents should be exactly same.
  3. All retired officers are requested to check the above details and modify the name and contact details if required.
  4. All retired officers are requested to check the nominations details and modify if required. Nomination details of only those officer(s) are available on the online portal, who have filled his/her details online. Those officers who have filled physical forms are required to check their details from the relevant IOC office. Nomination can be changed any time. It is desirable that nominations details are filled online.  


Felicitation Claims

All retired officers who are eligible for Felicitation claims (see details in the Felicitation menu) must claim the same as soon as possible and during his/her life time. The claim is not payable after death of the retired employee. Recently one case came to our notice where a retired officer expired in July’ 22 at the age of more than 87 years. He was not aware about this Felicitation scheme, although other retired IOC officers were staying in the same residential complex.

All retired IOC officers who have achieved 70 years age milestone must claim his/her felicitation award as soon as possible. Please check with other known retired IOC officers also. 


IOC new online Portal

Indian Oil Corporation has migrated to a new online e-portal eSambandh. This new portal more versatile. The key features are as follows:

  1. Home screen contain links to external sites like Self Booking Tool (SBT) for travel etc., Employee One, Tele Consultation (for doctor’s consultation) and About Us (about Indian Oil).
  2. Old password of erstwhile PRMS portal will work for New Portal.
  3. New users may register by following steps for “Forgot Password” option.
  4. Home Page contains many useful links including links for PRMS claims, request for Hospital Reference letter, Life Certificate filing and many others.
  5. Other useful information like Circulars, Policy Documents, Name & Contact details of IOC Nodal Officers all over the country, details of Nominated Hospitals (updated on daily basis from SAP) & Video Tutorials are available. Retired Officer can also provide feedback or report an issue and also check latest status of submitted applications or requests.

For more details, please refer to the IOC eSambandh User Manual.      

Northern Region Helpline numbers
Ms. Sangeeta Nanda
98115 69050
Ms. Kiran Bala
79829 17625
Ms. Reena Sharma SM(ER)
77188 75678

Special request please inform us immediately of any change of address, phone number or email. Errors, omissions and spelling mistakes will be incorporated into our database and circulated through IROWA News, your association’s quarterly newsletter.

Address: A-2/67, Ground Floor, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi – 110029, Ph: 011-40503707 (from Monday to Friday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM)

Email: Email:,

Member’s Help Line – Please submit your Domiciliary Medical claims and Miscellaneous claims immediately, if not submitted earlier (due in Sep/Oct’ 22.

All members are requested to kindly submit Online Life Certificate for self and dependents on eSambandh portal online (  


Death is certain – and may result in leaving behind property, moveable and immoveable for the benefit of heir/loved ones. With a view to have smooth transfer of property/assets to the beneficiaries as per one’s desires it is advisable to make a WILL.


What is a WILL

It is a written document. It can be written on an ordinary piece of paper and contains the intention of the testator as to how to dispose of his property/assets and to whom.

This WILL document can be registered with the registrar if so desired. However

both type of wills registered and unregistered have legal sanctity.


Who can make a WILL

Any person who is major, is of sound mind and who has a clear title of the property/assets he/she wishes to dispose. In respect of property/assets inherited legal opinion should be taken before writing the will.


Requirement of WILL
  1. Every page of the WILL is required to be signed by the
  2. It is to be signed by two independent witnesses in presence of

These witnesses must not be beneficiaries directly or indirectly.

  1. One or more person can be made executors of the will if so desired by the
  2. Will can be prepared jointly It can be stipulated that in the event of mishap the entire property/assets will rest with survivor. (A wife does not automatically become owner of the property unless stipulated specifically.)
  3. All stipulations in the will must be clearly spelt out e.g. name of the

benificiery/s and their share/s.

  1. A will is a It is not irrevocable. A will can be modified or replaced with a new will superseding the earlier will. However, if any modification or changes are made in the earlier will, the corrections must be signed by testator/s.
  2. Although it is not mandatory to get the ‘WILL’ registered however it is

recommended to get it registered to avoid any litigations in future.

Death cannot be avoided. Advance planning in the form of a “WILL” can reduce hardship to the ones you love.


New Directory as of 30/09/2024 under compilation


The contents in the IROWA Website are based on information received from IOC or downloaded from IOC’s e-Sambandh portal/IOCL website or received from Units/Chapters/members. In case of any doubt, please contact IOC office or login to IOCL website or e-Sambandh portal.

All efforts have been made by IROWA Apex Body – NR team for the accuracy of the information and to make this website, user friendly, informative and helpful.

IROWA Apex Body– NR team does not guarantee accuracy of the information displayed and are not responsible for any errors/omissions in any information.