Shri Alok Sharma is a post graduate engineer in Chemical Engineering from IIT-Delhi and graduate from Gujarat University. Mr. Sharma has more than 3 decades of rich experience in the downstream energy sector and has made significant contributions to the Indian refining sector in Process, Projects, and Production. Prior to his elevation as Director (Research & Development), Shri Sharma was Executive Director at Centre for High Technology under the MoP&NG, where he played a pivotal role in coordinating refining, petrochemical, and alternative energy activities for pan Indian O&G industry.
During his career in IndianOil, his various achievements inter alia include pivotal role in establishing India’s First Hydrocracker Unit in Gujarat Refinery as well as Hydroprocessing lab and Resid Block at R&D Centre. With a visionary approach to catalyze IndianOil’s ambitions in Alternative Energy, he spearheaded the Research and Development endeavors in hydrogen, gasification, solar, CO2 capture, and energy storage technologies. His noteworthy achievements include successful development of compact reforming HCNG solutions, co-processing of non-edible oils in refinery, nation’s first HCNG trials in Delhi, fuel cell and green hydrogen initiatives besides making critical contributions in carbon capture and ethanol technologies.
Shri Sharma represents the O&G sector on various committees of NITI Aayog, MNRE, DST and Bureau of Energy Efficiency. He is also a member of International Association of Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) and founder member of Hydrogen Association of India (HAI).
Ms. Rashmi Govil, aged 53 years is a Science Graduate and an MBA in Personnel Management from Bundelkhand University. She has three decades of rich and comprehensive experience in Human Resource Management viz. industrial relations, compensation management, performance management, staffing, recruitment, policy formulation, succession planning, systems management, audit etc. gained while working at IndianOil’s Refinery Units, Refinery Headquarters and Corporate Office which has helped her in developing a deep understanding of employee relations. She has also led various strategic HR initiatives like revisiting HR policies and practices to keep them progressive and relevant, with special focus on diversity, inclusion and well-being.
Shri Satish Kumar Vaduguri is a Mechanical Engineer and holds a post graduate degree in Management from University of Lubljana, Slovenia. Shri Satish Kumar has over 3 decades of rich experience in marketing of petroleum products in various geographies of the country.
Prior to joining as Director (Marketing), he was heading the marketing network in the States of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh as Executive Director and State Head, Madhya Pradesh State Office. During his career, he has been instrumental in implementing key business initiatives like Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG consumer (DBTL), Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY), BS-VI fuel implementation, etc. which have been widely acknowledged for their social and environmental impact.
Shri Satish Kumar is also the Non – Executive Chairman of IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd. (Wholly owned subsidiary of IndianOil) and IndianOil Petronas Private Ltd. (IPPL), a Joint Venture of IndianOil and Petronas, Malaysia. During his tenure, record volumes of LPG Imports were handled by IPPL, which helped the country in meeting the increase in the LPG demand under the Govt. of India’s ambitious PMUY Scheme.
Shri Satish Kumar has widely travelled and has addressed many National as well as International Energy conferences.
Shri N. Senthil Kumar, is an Electronics and Communication Engineer with over three decades of versatile experience in the operations & maintenance of IndianOil’s countrywide network of oil & gas pipelines. Before joining the IndianOil Board as Director (Pipelines), he was heading the Operations function at Pipelines Division Head Office.
Shri Senthil has a vast and rich experience and has played a pivotal role in using technology to boost security systems in pipelines and conceptualization of Central Pipeline Information Management Systems (CPIMS) with backbone alternate communication system.
Shri Senthil also played a vital role in pilot testing of drag reducing agents (innovated by IndianOil R&D) in LPG pipelines for the first time.
Shri Senthil is also on the Board of two Joint Venture Companies viz. IHB Ltd. (a JV of IndianOil, HPCL & BPCL) and Indradhanush Gas Grid Ltd., (a JV of IndianOil, ONGC, GAIL, OIL & NRL). IHB Ltd. is implementing the world’s longest LPG pipeline project from Kandla (Gujarat) to Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh). Indradhanush Gas Grid Ltd. is implementing Natural Gas Pipeline projects connecting the states in North East India.
Ms. Sukla Mistry is a Metallurgical Engineer from Bengal Engineering College, Calcutta University and also holds an Advanced Diploma in Management from the ICFAI. She has more than 3 decades of rich experience in refining and petrochemicals operation, having worked at IndianOil’s refineries at Haldia, Panipat, Digboi and Barauni as well as at the Refineries Headquarters.
Ms. Mistry has extensive experience in execution of various green-field and brown-field projects in the refineries. Before her elevation as Director (Refineries), she was heading the Barauni Refinery in Bihar where she was instrumental in successful rolling-out of BS-VI grade fuels and Ethanol blended MS.
Ms. Mistry is also a Nominee Director of IndianOil on the Board of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited and Ratnagiri Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited. Ms. Mistry has won many awards notably ET Prime Women Manufacturing & Operational Leadership Award (2021), SCOPE Award for Outstanding Woman Manager (2016-17), Petrotech Ojaswini Award (2016) and Petrofed Best Woman Executive Award (2009).
Shri Sujoy Choudhury is a Mechanical Engineer and an MBA (Finance) from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He possesses more than three decades of rich experience across various functions of Oil Industry like Engineering, Retail Sales and Petrochemicals (Marketing).
Before his elevation as Director (P&BD), Shri Sujoy Choudhury was heading IndianOil’s Punjab State office wherein he was in-charge of all petroleum activities in the States of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, and in the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh and Chandigarh. He has been instrumental in strengthening the Oil infrastructure of the State / UT’s, introduction of Winter Grade Diesel for high altitude areas, development of specialized lubricants for FMCG industry, introduction of geotextiles and steel concrete composite structures for construction in hilly terrains, etc.
He is also a Non-Executive Chairman on the Board of Green Gas Ltd., IndianOil Total Pvt. Ltd., IOT Biogas Pvt. Ltd. and CII Northern Regional Committee on Energy. He is also a Non-Executive Director on the Board of IndOil Montney Ltd. (a subsidiary of IndianOil’s Wholly owned subsidiary, Indoil Global BV, Netherlands.).
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