IndianOil Retired Officers Welfare Association

President’s Message

President’s Message

Dear Members,

  The main objective of the retired Officer’s Welfare Association is to meet the social and emotional needs of our members as well as addressing their issues of collective importance by bringing them to the notice of IOCL management. Much has been achieved in the past years including improvement in various welfare schemes thus mitigating the sufferings of the retirees.

  To achieve our objectives of meeting the emotional needs an effective communication system has been established in terms of quarterly ‘News Letter’ apart from periodical updation of the ‘Member’s Directory’. The News Letter publish recent activities of various Units and Chapters all over the country and thus connects all members with each other. This assumes greater significance due to the geographical dispersal of our members throughout the country for a well-knit family. Enrolment of new members is a continuous process. Today our membership stands at more than 7000 (seven thousand). However, the number of retired IOC officers across the country is far greater. Hence, there is huge scope for enrollment of new members in IROWA.

 The last member’s Directory was published in 2018. We intend to publish the new member’s Directory containing details of all members at the end of 2023. New Directory is expected to be published in the first quarter of 2024. Like other Directory’s editions the new Directory will contain details of IOC’s latest welfare schemes and other useful information for the retirees. I appeal to our members to educate their spouses and family members about IOC’s welfare schemes thoroughly to avoid any inconvenience later on.

  Compilation of data in respect of the members viz-a-viz names, address, telephone nos., and email Ids and many other details for more than six thousand members is a gigantic and Challenging task.

 We wish to thank those esteemed organizations who have patronized IROWA Member’ Directories by extending financial support through their ads and expect to receive their continued blessings.

    I wish Safe, Happy and Dignified Retired Life for all members and their families. I also convey season’s greetings for the coming festive season to all.

     J. K. PURI



New Directory as of 31/12/2022 under compilation


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All efforts have been made by IROWA Apex Body – NR team for the accuracy of the information and to make this website, user friendly, informative and helpful.

IROWA Apex Body– NR team does not guarantee accuracy of the information displayed and are not responsible for any errors/omissions in any information.