Units & Chapters

UNITS (Office Brearers) Kolkata

Shri C K Naha, General Secretary

Ph.: 9831059173, 033-25921570

Email : cknaha@rediffmail.com

Shri Pramanik K Lal, Vice President

Ph. : 9830751348, 6291967675

Email : pramanikkl@gmail.com

Guwahati Unit

Shri Himen Sarma, President

Ph.: 9435112239

Email.:    —

Shri Moloy Baruah, Gen. Secretary

Ph.: 9954044986

Email : moloybaruah69@gmail.com

Kerala Unit

Shri Alex P Verghese , President

Mob 98465 01088

Email:  alex.verghese@icloud.com

Shri K V Paul, General Secretary

Mob 81293 22276

Email :  paulponnari@gmail.com

Chennai Unit

Shri A Pandian, President

Ph.: 7358768089

Email : apandian1956@yahoo.co.in

Shri C Sivakumar, Vice President

Ph.: 8667480868

Email : sivaji.ioc@gmail.com

Shri T Krishnan, General Secretary

Tel.: 044-26563469, 9444026789

Email : tkrishnan1948@gmail.com

Mr R Sampathkumar, Jt. Secretary

Ph.: 044-28456368, 9941066557

Email: adr.rsk@gmail.com

Vadodara Unit

Shri Natraj Tridevi, President

Mob 9925553404

Email : jnatrajan@hotmail.com

Shri V. P. Patel, General Secretary

Mob 9106072269

Email : patelvp@gmail.com

West Unit

Shri S. S. Bapat, President

Mob 9920903322

Email : bapatsshrikant@gmail.com

Shri Mangesh J. Kerkar, General Secretary

Ph.: 25678037, 9820183402

Email : mangesh.kerkar@gmail.com

Shri Prakash Vinayak Wankhede, Treasurer

Ph.: 9820893949

Email : prakashvw9@gmail.com

Shri Peter Manuel Sebastian Duarte, Convenor

Ph.: 9930827514

Email : petermsduarte@gmail.com

Shri S K Khare, Advisor

Ph. : 9920661549

Email :forward19487@gmail.com


Chandigarh, Haryana  & Punjab

Shri Sher Singh, Coordinator

Ph.: 8743004670

Email : king5787@gmail.com


Shri Yogesh Sharma, Convenor

Mob 9958763456

Email :         yogeshsharma.iocl@gmail.com

Shri P. K. Gupta, Co-Convener

Mob 9899274777

Email : pkgupta@gmail.com


Shri K G Gupta, Convenor

Ph.: 9871104920

Email : kggupta2008@gmail.com

UP & Lucknow

Shri Uma Shankar, President

Ph. : 7392883282

Email : ushankar3536@gmail.com

Shri S K Sinha

Ph.: 9415019127

Email : sksioc@gmail.com


Shri B L Gupta

Ph.: 9457029708

Email : blgupta1506@gmail.com

Noida & Ghaziabad

Major B P Mathur

Ph. : 9313042108

Email : bms39@hotmail.com

Rajasthan & Jaipur

Shri Manak Chand Agarwal, Convenor

Ph.: 9314877356

Email : @hotmail.com

Shri S. C. Gola, Co-Convenor

Mob 9982050225

Email : @hotmail.com


Shri P D Bahukhandi

Ph.: 8392813011

Email : pdbahukhandi@yahoo.com

Shri V. D. R. Sharma, Co-Convenor

Mob 9997684040

Email : @yahoo.com


New Directory as of 31/12/2022 under compilation


The contents in the IROWA Website are based on information received from IOC or downloaded from IOC’s e-Sambandh portal/IOCL website or received from Units/Chapters/members. In case of any doubt, please contact IOC office or login to IOCL website or e-Sambandh portal.

All efforts have been made by IROWA Apex Body – NR team for the accuracy of the information and to make this website, user friendly, informative and helpful.

IROWA Apex Body– NR team does not guarantee accuracy of the information displayed and are not responsible for any errors/omissions in any information.