IndianOil’s ‘Vision with Values’ encompasses the Corporation’s new aspirations – to broaden its horizons, to expand across new vistas, and to infuse new-age dynamism among its employees. Adopted in the company’s Golden Jubilee year (2009), as a ‘shared vision’ of IndianOil people and other stakeholders, it is a matrix of six cornerstones that would together facilitate the Corporation’s endeavours to be ‘The Energy of India’ and to become ‘A globally admired company.’
More importantly, the Vision is infused with the core values of Care, Innovation, Passion and Trust, which embody the collective conscience of the company and its people, and have helped it to grow and achieve new heights of success year after year.
IndianOil is India’s flagship Maharatna national oil company with business interests straddling the entire hydrocarbon value chain – from refining, pipeline transportation & marketing, to exploration & production of crude oil & gas, petrochemicals, gas marketing, alternative energy sources and globalisation of downstream operations. It also has global aspirations, fulfilled to an extent by the formation of subsidiaries in Sri Lanka, Mauritius, the UAE, Sweden, USA and The Netherlands. It is pursuing diverse business interests with the setting up of over 15 joint ventures with reputed business partners from India and abroad to explore global opportunities
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